Command Sergeant Major
Reports to: Officer in Charge
In the real world, the command sergeant major is the senior most non-commissioned officer and advises their respective commander of NCO and enlisted matters impacting those personnel at the particular command-level.
In the SFMC, rank is not always as hard earned and does not preclude members from particular opportunities both within the organization and for cosplay purposes; the line between members of officer ranks and members of enlisted ranks is less divisive and so the responsibility of the command sergeant major is also less function and more fiction.
In an effort to give a little more culture to the enlisted ranks and promote members to start in the enlisted ranks, the SFMC has bolstered it’s desire to appoint command sergeant majors at lower levels and to encourage enlisted rank members. Quite often in STARFLEET in general we see units and chapters that are very top heavy with members of officer and flag rank and not so much of enlisted rank.
Specific Duties:
Be familiar with the enlisted personnel of the brigade.
Encourage enlisted rank members to participate and have fun with their enlisted and NCO career personas.
Advise the officer in charge of ways to encourage enlisted and NCO members to have fun with and develop their ranks and personas.
must be 18 years of age or older
must be enlisted rank, preferably senior enlisted rank
must be a member of the Brigade they are serving (Residency in the BDE is not a requirement, but may be preferred by Commanding Officer, Forces Command, depending upon the requirements and size of the area being served.)
The ability to communicate information and ideas clearly, and concisely, in writing; read and understand information presented in writing.
The ability to deal with people in a manner which shows sensitivity, tact, and professionalism.
Be able to follow policy and procedure as set forth in the STARFLEET Bylaws and Membership Handbook, the Marine Force Manual and the Policy Manual.
In addition, you *MUST* have:
A consistent Internet connection and be willing to acknowledge all emails sent to you with 48 hours.
Be willing to take direction as needed to accomplish the duties.
Training Requirements:
OTS: Officers Training School
PD-100: Marine Basic Course
PD-201: Primary Leadership Development Course
NCO-100: Non-commissioned Officer Basic Development
NCO-201: Non-commissioned Officer Advanced Development
SFDPP-101: STARFLEET Data Protection Policy (Part 1)
SFDPP-102: STARFLEET Data Protection Policy (Part 2)